Too often we see clients who have unfortunately experienced spinal cord injuries due to a bad fall or a motor vehicle accident. With a spinal cord injury, there are two major factors that will affect a person’s mobility: the place of the injury along the spinal cord and the severity of injury to the spinal cord.
The severity of the spinal cord injury is classified as either of the following:
Complete: If almost all feeling (sensory) and all ability to control movement (motor function) are lost below the spinal cord injury, the injury is called complete.
Incomplete: If there is some motor or sensory function below the affected area, the injury is called incomplete. There are varying degrees of incomplete injury.
Symptoms of spinal cord injuries could be: loss of movement, loss of bladder or bowel control, changes in sexual function, pain or intense stinging sensation caused by damage to nerve fibers, and difficulty breathing or coughing. In order to determine the extent of the injury, doctors will perform tests to determine the “completeness” of your injury.
Because people who suffer spinal cord injuries require much medical care, our lawyers work closely with medical personnel to ensure that our clients are getting the proper medical attention, regardless of whether the spinal cord injury is complete or incomplete. Insurance companies tend to treat all victims of spinal cord injuries the same; we look at our clients as individuals, each presenting a new and original case. The same injury to one person can affect him or her very differently than it would another person. We recognize that each a client is not just another file; each client is different and presents a different set of circumstances.
The lawyers of Bergel, Magence LLP have been helping clients and their families cope with spinal cord injuries for over forty years. We have successfully obtained compensation for our clients, including compensation for medical and rehabilitation benefits, loss of income and earning capacity, and pain and suffering. Likewise, we are constantly updated by the medical field and stay informed on new medical technologies to make sure that our clients can stay as independent as possible even if they have sustained a traumatic injury, such as a spinal cord injury.
If you have any questions about spinal cord injuries, we can arrange a free consultation at your convenience. You can call us at any time at 416-665-2000. You will be under no obligation to retain us after your free consultation.